Two Eudora teachers want to create an internship program that connects local students with local businesses.
Angie Brown and Cathie Klein presented the Chamber of Commerce with information Thursday about the school's internship program for graduating seniors in hopes of attracting local businesses willing to participate.
Through the “EHS Senior College & Career Ready” internship program, Eudora High School students can be matched with a career mentor during their senior year and gain hands-on experience in their career field of choice.
Klein and Brown said the internship program is for students to gain insight into careers of their specific interest as well as learn general workplace environment skills.
The program aims for students to shadow and work with businesses during Eudora High School's early release days on Wednesdays, Klein said.
"Shadow days for learning are extremely valuable," Klein said. "Kids are used to the classroom environment and when they sit in on a meeting, that's a whole new world opened up for them."
This experience would give high school seniors the chance to explore multiple potential career paths before choosing a path in college, Brown said.
"Students are not locked in to one career path in high school," Brown said. "We want them to have opportunities to find their way."
Students are matched after answering a series of assessment and personality questions and being presented their most considerable career areas of interest. Internships can be paid or unpaid.
"Students are interested in anything and everything from cosmetology to neuroscience," Klein said. "It really is across the board. Whatever career field you are in, we have students interested in those fields."
This program will be working with the Eudora Schools Foundation and the Chamber of Commerce to connect with businesses that have interest in having an intern, Brown said.
"I've had this vision for several years of working directly with the Chamber," Brown said. "We always want our community to be a part of what we do at school."
Ami Bruce of the Eudora Chamber said the business community will further discuss the idea.
“I think there's going to be strong support,” she said. “Businesses are eager to help educate the next generation.”
Business owners or members of the community seeking further information about the internship program can contact Brown at angiebrown@eudoraschools.org or Klein at cathieklein@eudoraschools.org with questions.
Reach reporter Lucie Krisman at eudoratimes@gmail.com.
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