Overall enrollment for the Eudora School District has slightly dropped this year, but the middle school is “popping through the seams” with students, school officials said Thursday.
Recently submitted enrollment records for the district totaled 1,754 students. The Eudora School Board discussed the district’s enrollment status at its meeting Thursday night.
Superintendent of Schools Steve Splichal said the district is down about 19 students. He said this is due to 128 seniors graduating last year and 105 kindergarteners beginning school this year.
While overall enrollment is down, Eudora Middle School remains large in size, Principal Jeremy Thomas said.
“We’re full,” Thomas said. “We’re popping through the seams, which is a good thing, but we’ve had to get creative on some things.”
Thomas said this is the school’s largest year yet, with 427 students. There are 146 sixth-graders, 127 seventh-graders and 154 eighth-graders.
Additionally, Thomas updated the board on the impact of a new school schedule that allows students to enroll in two electives per quarter, rather than one like last year.
One of these new electives is woodworking taught by Jotham Andrews. Andrews attended the meeting with two students who presented the board with pens they made in class. He said he’s impressed with what students are making.
“We’ve got sixth-graders making cutting boards, and they’re just having a blast. Today they got to take them home, and they were just so excited,” Andrews said.
Middle school seventh-grade math teacher Kyle Stadalman said last year he felt like there was a lack of choice for students but thinks that’s changed this year.
“It’s just a monumental change. I don’t think you can quite put data on it how impactful it’s been to have a second elective for these kids,” Stadalman said.
Also discussed at the meeting were the results of the recent late start survey. Splichal said they received over 700 responses from families and over 200 staff responses. The survey inquired about whether Eudora schools should start later on inclement weather days rather than canceling classes altogether.
Splichal said a committee met Tuesday to discuss and analyze the responses and had a good mix of community members and school officials.
“I think it’s important to note that we really had good data because I think people gave us honest feedback,” Splichal said.
Since the committee has lingering questions, Splichal said they will send out a shorter survey to further evaluate the possibility.
In other business, school board member Bryan Maring presented an update for the Eudora Schools Foundation.
He said Eudora High School had its first Career Connect where students toured the Garmin headquarters in Olathe and spent lunch talking with employees.
Additionally, Maring said over $9,000 was raised through the Eudora Schools Foundation’s annual employee campaign with a record number of district staff who participated.
“It’s a testament to the teachers and their willingness to provide,” Maring said.
Looking forward, the 10th Annual Eudora Schools Foundation Charitable Golf Tournament takes place Oct. 18 at Eagle Bend Golf Course in Lawrence. Money raised at this event will support Teacher Excellence Grants throughout the district.
The next school board meeting date has been changed to 7 p.m. Nov. 7, rather than Nov. 14.
Reach reporter Riley Wilson at eudoratimes@gmail.com.
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