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Eudora Senior Foundation begins planning for the future

Teri Finneman/Editor

Members of the Eudora Seniors Foundation met Tuesday evening to discuss making improvements to the community for senior citizens.


A new organization in Eudora hopes to bring senior citizen advocates together to make improvements in the community.

The Eudora Senior Foundation met Tuesday night at the Eudora Community Center with eight members attending in-person and three remotely. Although this was only the third official meeting, the foundation has been in the works for a few years.

Ruth Hughs and Mary Kirkendoll met with the dream of being advocates for the seniors of Eudora back in 2017.

“Our hope is to make the Eudora community a place that embraces, welcomes, encourages and helps seniors live rich, full lives,” Hughs said.

The two proposed the idea to the city, which encouraged the organization to become a foundation with 501(c)(3) status. Once the foundation formed in 2018, the next step was establishing a team.

The group met this summer for a strategic planning work session that allowed the team to discuss goals and establish a group dynamic. Pam Schmeck felt like the work session showed that many members want the same results out of the foundation.

“We all gravitated towards the same goals,” Schmeck said, “We kind of all know what we need, and we know what we want.”

One main focus for the group is fundraising for future events, activities and Meals on Wheels. Eventually, Meals on Wheels hopes to have multiple vans to assist seniors all over the Douglas County area.

The foundation also hopes to partner with the Eudora Parks & Recreation Department to offer classes to assist with technology and to offer other resources to seniors.

Some activities include square dancing, card tournaments and cornhole. Another possible event is a senior trip that would allow seniors to travel together, bond and be safe among others. Overall, the foundation hopes to hold events that involve the Eudora community with its senior citizens.

The foundation recently selected its executive board, consisting of President Justin Leonard, Secretary Stephanie Jones and Schmeck as treasurer. The team’s ages vary from people in their 20s to 70s.

The team spent Tuesday night discussing major tasks, including branding, strategic planning, bylaws and goals for the future.

Eudora Parks & Recreation Director Sally Pennington said she wants to combine her role in the city with her involvement in the foundation.

“What can I do, as my part in the city, now?” Pennington said, “What could we be doing now, not just to sit and think about it for months?”

The next steps include an emphasis on branding, with Leonard hoping to see a logo created that brings the city and seniors together.

“People need to know that we are connected and that we are here to do business for the seniors,” Leonard said.

The Eudora Senior Foundation dreams of eventually becoming “the senior mecca of Kansas” by bringing seniors together in new ways, Hughs said.

The foundation meets the first Tuesday of every month, with the next meeting Oct. 6.

Reach reporter Emily Johnson at

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