We’re announcing a number of new services that we will be adding to The Eudora Times effective immediately to continue its growth as a community newspaper.
We now accept obituaries submitted by funeral homes to eudoratimes@gmail.com. Please note that policy is firm. We can only accept obituaries provided directly from a funeral home.
Death notices that include two basic sentences about the times of service and visitation are free. A full obituary is $30. A full obituary with a photo is $40.
We believe that obituaries are a vital component of a newspaper as they provide a history of the people and events that influenced a community.
We will also begin a Good Neighbor section that will publish every Wednesday when there is content.
For this, we will accept birth announcements, engagement/marriage/anniversary announcements, high school and college graduation announcements, and pet news. Pet news could include announcement of a new pet, a story about a pet or an obituary for a pet. The cost of these various announcements will be $20 each, which includes a photo submission. The fee is to support personnel who must prepare this information for publication.
In January, we will announce other additions, including a policy for submitting letters to the editor, a community event calendar and the launch of our advertising services.
We had hoped to be able to launch a brand new professional website in January/February. That depends on whether we receive a large grant in the next week. If not, the new website will have to be put on hold. It costs $200 a month for that service, which we cannot start until we have a continuous stream of revenue from community donations/subscriptions, advertising and other grants.
Today is the last full day of classes at KU. We will have occasional reporting from incoming editor Sydney Hoover during Christmas break. We will resume full news operations Jan. 20 when spring semester begins and our staff of college students returns.
We hope you will continue to support us. Making a commitment to “subscribe” for $10 a month will help us sustain and grow this endeavor.
Checks can be made out to Jayhawk Media Group with Eudora Times in the memo line and mailed to Teri Finneman/Eudora Times, 1435 Jayhawk Blvd. 209D, KU Stauffer-Flint Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045.
We look forward to bringing you more news in the new year.
Teri Finneman