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From the Publisher: Your donations are critical to our operations

Teri Finneman/Editor


In these troublesome days of the coronavirus pandemic, journalism continues to go on in order to serve our communities to provide them with information.

Our staff at The Eudora Times is working to provide updates as soon as they are available.

What you may not know is that the majority of the staff is working for free because we do not have enough money to pay our reporters.

The reality is that we have $450 in our bank account for a team of seven reporters to work over the next two months. I want to make clear that I do not take any of this money myself. These are KU journalism students who are working to serve the community and any funding we receive helps them.

They give up time at part-time jobs where they could earn money to pay their rent and bills because they are passionate about Eudora and providing a newspaper for the community.

We already knew that we would have to “go dark” again this summer because we do not have enough money to have an intern on staff this summer, just like last summer. We have been applying for various grants and hope one will come through to help one day.

However, we need your help for our staff to continue to be able to function to provide you news through mid-May and then be able to resume operations in mid-August.

Please email us at or send us a Facebook message for more information on how to donate if you are able to help support us and want a local newspaper to continue in the community. Any size of donation is welcome.

We need your help to be able to continue providing local news.

Teri Finneman


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