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  • Teri Finneman/Editor

Good Neighbor: Community Events and Announcements

Election of Eudora public official: Lynn Jenkins Katzfey of Eudora has been reelected to the board of directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka. Katzfey previously served as Kansas state treasurer and served five terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Story contest: The Eudora Area Historical Society is hosting a story contest to help document Eudora’s history. Residents can share stories about their lives in Eudora and about other residents. Submit stories by commenting on this post before the deadline on March 20.

The Good Neighbor section will publish every Wednesday when there is content.

We will publish event notices once for free before requiring the purchase of an ad.

We also will accept birth announcements, engagement/marriage/anniversary announcements, high school and college graduation announcements, and pet news. Pet news could include announcement of a new pet, a story about a pet or an obituary for a pet. The cost of these various announcements will be $20 each, which includes a photo submission. The fee is to support personnel who must prepare this information for publication.

Send us your Good Neighbor news and events at

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