Now that her children have almost completed their time at Eudora schools, Becky Plate wants to give back to the district by running for a position on the Eudora School Board.
“I do view civic engagement as a patriotic duty and that looks like different things for everybody, but this is a way I feel like I can fulfill that,” Plate said.
Plate is one of four candidates running for four open spots on the board. Member terms last four years and are uncompensated.
This Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.
Occupation: Registered nurse
Ties to the school district:
My children went to Eudora schools all the way from preschool to my youngest is a senior now. I have one that’s graduated already and then one that’s a senior. As a parent, I’ve been involved that whole time.
They have both done much more than just the typical in the classroom kind of thing. They’ve both been very active in sports, very active in music, and extracurriculars. They’ve kind of gotten a lot more out of school than just the classroom stuff.
What is your prior relationship with the Eudora School Board?
I have attended not quite all but most of the Eudora School Board meetings for about the last four years. Really since around the time that the Kansas Legislature imposed the block grant funding to local schools.
I was already paying attention, but that was a real eye opener for me about the really juristic impact that it was having on local schools and that was when I really started attending on a really regular basis.
Why are you seeking election on the Eudora School Board?
There’s a lot of reasons. Partly, I do view civic engagement as a patriotic duty and that looks like different things for everybody, but this is a way I feel like I can fulfill that. I also, with everything that my children have gained from the school district now that they’re sort of at the end of their public-school careers, so to speak, I wanted a way to give back to that same district that’s given so much to our family.
What makes you the best candidate for this position?
I have a lot of experience with legislative advocacy related to education. I have spent roughly that same amount of time, so the last few years, four to five years, volunteering to essentially raise awareness, go and talk to legislators, those types of things, about adequate and equitable funding for Kansas public schools.
I’ve built a lot of really strong relationships with a lot of state legislators both in the House and in the Senate. And I have their ear, they have mine, and I think that’s a unique thing that I can bring to the table.
What do you think the Eudora School District is doing particularly well right now?
Our teachers. We have amazing teachers. There’s a lot of really creative thinking going on. There’s a lot of very organic collaboration that happens that gives these small-town kids really big opportunities and I really want to make sure that, as a board member, I would definitely want to continue to encourage that innovation. Celebrate success where you have it, but where you see there’s a need, still really encourage those teachers to think innovatively.
If elected, what would be your first priority?
There’s a few things that are sort of on my wish list, if you will. I would really like to see improved engagement with the community, and transparency comes along with that. Specific examples of this, although this is certainly not all-inclusive, would be like the Eudora School District has a really good social media presence. If we can use some of that presence to inform our community more about what’s going on with the School Board, to invite people to come to the School Board meetings.
Reach reporter Riley Wilson at eudoratimes@gmail.com.
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