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Santa shares all and answers Eudora students' questions

Teri Finneman/Editor


Santa Claus made a special early visit to Eudora this past week to answer some tough questions submitted by local elementary students.

Philip Bradley of St Nick Services in Lawrence helped The Eudora Times track down Santa, who thought carefully how to respond to Stephanie Green’s first-grade students at Eudora Elementary.

We sat down with him to get the answers before he gets busy completing holiday wishes this year.

Q. How cute are your reindeer? – Elijah, 6; Draven, 6

Santa: Well, Mrs. Claus doesn’t like it when I brag, but they are the cutest reindeer on the planet. Although some of the gentlemen reindeer might not like being called cute. They prefer strong and handsome.

Q. Do you like cheese more or cookies? – Taylor, 7

Santa: This brings up the age-old question I get from children all the time. Usually, it’s in the form of “what’s your favorite cookie?” Sometimes it’s, “What do you prefer to eat?” My answer is the same to both – all of them. I love them all. And they’re especially tasty when I know a wonderful boy or girl has picked them out especially for me.

Q. How do your reindeer fly? – Aria, 6; Annabelle, 6; William, 6

Santa: Wonderfully! And also, very carefully…It’s magic…

Q. What do your elves drink? – Addi, 6; Caydince, 6

Santa: The elves absolutely love glacier water. On special occasions they get hot cocoa, some eggnog and the occasional North Pole punch. And by special occasions, I mean days that end in “y.”

Q. What is your favorite cookie? – Cruz, 6

Santa: Well, you remember our answer earlier. All of them are my favorite. But whatever cookie is in front of me is usually the one I want to eat the most. And strangely enough, I usually like your favorite cookie.

Q. How many houses do you go to? – River, 6; Audrey, 7

Santa: Oh, we’d have to ask the head elf planner. I don’t know that number and since we’ve gone digital with computer technology at the North Pole, we don’t have it all written out. We have a list, but not a total tally. I’d like to think I go to all houses with children. If anyone knows a house I’ve missed, please write me a letter.

Q. Is Rudolph on your sleigh? – Malakai, 6

Santa: On our special night, of course Rudolph is with us. What most folks don’t understand is that reindeer train like world-class athletes. They are often out pulling the sleigh sometimes using just stones for weight instead of presents.

The reindeer are very concerned that they do the very best possible job and that nothing will go wrong on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, they change positions in the harnesses to make sure that all of them know the rules and can substitute if we have to. Sometimes Rudolph isn’t pulling the sleigh, but he’s part of our Reindeer Leadership Team, so he helps coach. But, I wouldn’t go out on Christmas Eve without him.

Q. What are your reindeers’ names? – Gavin, 7

Santa: Well, there’s the traditional reindeer you know. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. And of course, the most famous of all, Rudolph. But almost all the reindeer have spouses and children. There are many “juniors” and “the seconds” and in some cases, “the fifths” and “the sixths.” Every year, we have little baby reindeer. If you’d like to submit a name to the family, you write me a letter and I’d be happy to give it to the proud momma and papa reindeer and see if they like it.

Q. How do you do magic? – Bobby, 6

Santa: Of course, carefully. Magic is a blessing and a gift. Like most blessings and gifts, if they’re not treated properly, it can go horribly wrong. Santa magic depends on good intentions and the belief of the families and children all over the world. When I have that, the magic just comes naturally.

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