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  • Teri Finneman/Editor

The Eudora Times continues to grow


It’s been quite the week at The Eudora Times.

For one, we are thrilled to announce we finally have a contract for a new website that we hope to launch this month. We are most thankful for Town News, which also believes in community journalism, for working with us to give us a free platform that will greatly improve how we are able to distribute news.

We can’t wait to have a better website. All material on this site will slowly be transferred to the new one to preserve it for the future.

We also will have better functionality for our weekly e-newsletter. We all know that Facebook does not show us everything we want to see. If you want to make sure that you don’t miss Eudora news from the week, please email us at so we can put you on our Wednesday newsletter distribution list.

Secondly, I thought Eudora may be interested to know that you continue to inspire others around the country. I had a phone call this week with journalism faculty at Penn State wanting to know more about our unique endeavor having journalism students provide community news. They are interested in starting something similar. It’s great that Eudora continues to serve as a national example of how communities and universities can benefit when working together.

Third, we had the governor’s office reach out to us today requesting a meeting with us so the governor can let the community know more about vaccines. We know a top concern in Eudora is getting K-12 back to normal, and we’ll be sure to ask the governor about that in our call this week. Look for our story on that later in the week.

I continue to be proud of my great team of reporters who go to school full time and write stories in their free time for little pay because they believe in community news. As always, we need your donations to keep The Eudora Times going. You can donate to us here Any amount helps.

Also let us know any story ideas you think we should cover. Reach us at

We look forward to letting you know when our new website is up.

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