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School Board looks into options to reschedule graduation

Teri Finneman/Editor

Eudora High School Principal Ron Abel discusses potential plans for a graduation ceremony with the School Board via Zoom Thursday.


The Eudora School Board began discussing options for the Class of 2020’s graduation ceremony at a meeting Thursday night.

The board did not choose a specific date for the ceremony as it waits to see how Gov. Laura Kelly’s reopening plan continues to progress. However, the board began looking into options for a modified ceremony, taking into account social distancing requirements.

“These kids really want to experience a physical graduation,” said Eudora High School Principal Ron Abel.

He said administrators have begun looking into having a graduation ceremony in the football stadium that would include efforts toward social distancing. Graduates would be spread out across the football field with their parents, and additional guests would be seated in the stands. Abel said it’s likely the school would have to limit tickets per graduate to ensure a smaller crowd. There are 102 students in Eudora's 2020 graduating class.

Board member Becky Plate said as a health professional, she does not believe the traditional graduation ceremony will be able to happen this year. She asked Abel whether the graduates would be willing to participate in a modified ceremony or if they are viewing it as “all or nothing.”

“I would say, there’s three of us on the board who have seniors this year, so we have skin in this game, so to speak,” Plate said. “I would admit from my perspective also as a health care provider that … I think it is pretty unlikely we’d be able to have any time this summer the kind of numbers that the initial plan is looking at.”

Plate said she hopes administrators are looking into a contingency plan in case the original option is not possible. Abel said the class wants an opportunity to come together as a full group one last time to celebrate their graduation.

Other options discussed included a ceremony with only the graduates and their household family members or several ceremonies in which the class would be split into smaller groups.

Board member Mike Kelso also raised concerns about policing social distancing. He said he believes attendees would not be as cognisant of social distancing during the ceremony as the board expected. Superintendent Steve Splichal said there are still some details that need to be worked out throughout the summer.

With graduation originally planned for Saturday, the district is taking steps to recognize the seniors. The City Commission approved a sign permit for a portable sign displaying each graduate’s name and photo. The sign will be displayed along Church Street through Saturday.

Tonight (Friday), the football stadium lights will be turned on at 8:20 — 20:20 military time — for 20 minutes as a tribute to the class.

Parents also planned a graduation parade for the seniors at 1 p.m. Saturday. The students will decorate their cars and drive the homecoming parade route through town, and residents are encouraged to line up along the route to celebrate the class.

“I think it was an important piece to remind them we haven’t forgotten about them,” Abel said.

In other news, Splichal began sharing plans for reopening in August with the board, saying he believes there is a “very legitimate fear” among staff that the school year will start online.

“Part of what helped make this process as successful as it was is we had staff who worked their tails off for three quarters to build relationships with kids and get a foundation steady,” Splichal said. “If we start with the continuous learning model in August, we don’t get that opportunity.”

Splichal and other staff members, administrators and parents have been meeting as a committee to plan for opening in the fall. He said they are intending to begin in-person classes in August, but believes it’s likely the district will have to switch to the online continuous learning program at some point during the semester depending on the progression of the coronavirus.

Reach reporter Sydney Hoover at

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